Establishment of World’s First Cyber Security Management System Certification for Industrial Automation and Control Systems

21 May 2014

Yokogawa Solution Service achieves first certification from BSI

World’s First Accreditation

BSI Japan received official accreditation status from the Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community (JIPDEC) for the international Cyber Security Management System Standard (CSMS) for Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IAC), ISO/IEC 62443-2-1.  

IEC 62443-2-1 is an international CSMS standard for those who establish and operate industrial automation and control systems. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has been promoting the establishment of a global certification scheme based on IEC 62443-2-1 as part of a project started in 2012 to safeguard important utility plants and fundamental from potential cyber threats.

Control systems are used in the electricity, gas, and petrochemical industries whose need for enhanced security is ever increasing. In order to ensure absolute security, measures need to be appropriately established and implemented in addition to the security measures provided for the actual control systems.

Naoyuki Takeo, Managing Director, BSI Japan said: “We have been at the forefront of developing security standards and achieving accreditation for ISO/IEC 62443-2-1 by JIPDEC, reinforces our position in this marketplace.  Organizations that embed good cyber security for control systems not only enhance their security levels but it also contributes to the safe operation of utility and infrastructure plants.

To gain accredited status, BSI is independently assessed to ensure it operates at the highest level of quality and service.  This provides assurance to clients that the certificates issued to them are both credible and impartial. 

First certification

Industrial solution provider, Yokogawa Solution Service Corporation (headquartered in Musashino City, Tokyo; President & CEO: Hitoshi Nara) has achieved certification to the new international standard for supporting users of control system to establish robust security control and operation system. 

Takeo commented “Yokogawa should be proud of their achievement in being the first to obtain the Cyber Security Management System Standard for Industrial Automation and Control Systems.  It demonstrates their dedication to providing secure control systems of their utility and infrastructure plants.  By obtaining this certification it creates a transparency in the industry that offer reassurance that specific cyber security risks have been addressed.”

Yokogawa is the world’s first to receive this certification following participation in the CSMS Control Security pilot scheme, which will contribute to the safe operation of its plants in Japan.